Asherjade's Inventory (unsafe)

Item Description
173320 o The currency used in SPONGE.
The Letter A Rejoice, the first letter. Do you believe we could construct sentences without it?
Unhappy 3D Printer Why is it only printing plastic potatoes?
Aged YEETmas Whiskey Aged in the depths of unknown underworlds by the finest Old Gods. May cause insanity.
DTI Action Figure The hero & dad of the Sparlor now as a live action figure! Black cape, big banhammer and bribes included.
Badass Model Airplane All the parts are there! Except glue. You'll have to make due.
Stone It's a stone. Even better for throwing at giant spiders.
Spider Silk Robe Indestructible and insanely light, let's you move like a shadow. Weaved by Spiralian Tower Spiders.
Banhammer Impressive quality. Sticker says "Made in Japan."
Silver Rat Found in the Tower Sewers. Smells faintly of cheese and mustard. He's good at finding pizza.
EternalX Plushie SpiP #299 - A tealy pigmomma of pure sunshine. Tells you cute things about Claire when squeezed!
Bitey Plushie SpiP #198 - Hug him tight and he calls you a motherfucker! Has a shiny crown with #fuckasherjade on it.
Protection Charm Keeps you safe, but breaks after one use.
Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch Lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it!
Traumatized Tarantula He's seen things... Bad things. His only comfort can be found with tiny crocheting equipment. He's quite handy!
Snakes' Eternal Drink A magically perpetual drink of ever-changing delicious flavor. Never go thirsty again with this snakey concoction.
Asherjade Plushie SpiP #032 - A feisty little fisherman from the Tower mote! Tiny model airplane, fancy fishing lures and delicious pie included.
Lembas Bread Batch Excellent for sustenance on long and straining journeys, like, climbing the Tower floors. Stays fresh for months and just a crumb will fill you.
Sonic Screwdriver of Space-time Shenanigans With this versatile tool, you can hack into alien technology, unlock doors, and even fix the occasional plot hole in the fabric of reality.
S'tower Tartan Kilt Adorned with the unique spiral tartan, complete with sporran for one’s pebbles and a pleat that guarantees it will only fly up at the most appropriate of times. Goes well with any robe and dagger!
Chocolate Spiral Tower A swirly depiction of the Tower with each floor being a different flavor of white, dark or milk chocolate. WARNING: Over 9000 floors. Might cause nausea.
Lore Whip Taters The bestest organic tower-taters, lovingly grown, having passed of old age and filled with wisdom - this whip is steeped in delicious Stower lore.
Bioshock: Remastered Like, the actual game. I will give you the Steam code if you buy this.
Fabulous Bouquet Absolutley beautifully arranged bouquet. Anyone receiving one would surely be flattered.
Sexy Sinjury Poster Depicts sauce being poured over a bunch of tentacles on a bed of rice.