DrugsRCool69's Inventory (unsafe)

Item Description
40238 o The currency used in SPONGE.
High Highland Cow Feeds only on a specific plant growing in the Tower's hedge-maze. Needs help finding his way out after feeding.
The Griddy I guess you're supposed to hit it?
Mad Cat You want him? Then it's your job to figure out what he's so mad about.
Googly Moogly Not quite sure what this is, but it sure is googly! Maybe it'll come in handy some time, maybe on a Friday? You never know.
The One Token Celebrated the One year anniversary of the Tower, took part in the sacrificial blood ritual and had some pie.
Emotional Support x2 There for you, friend.
Free Hugs x2 Sometimes a good hug is very important. And so are you, friend.
4/20 Blazin'
Giggle Gummy Bears Bursts into fits of barely controlled laughter when you bite into it. Has the same effect on you in approximately 30 minutes later.
Spiral Cloak of Confusion Confused? Wanting to confuse further? This is the cloak for masters of kung-fusion and conning cultusion. What? Ah, working as intended.
Fabulous Bouquet Absolutley beautifully arranged bouquet. Anyone receiving one would surely be flattered.