EloquentEvergreen's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
39495 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Mulberry Plushie SpiP #093 - Are you sure you can handle this plushie? It might make you...blushie. Comes with blindfold, whips and beautiful melodies.
Free Hugs Sometimes a good hug is very important. And so are you, friend.
Latex Robe High collar, shiny, squeaky and sleek. Attend all sacrifices like sex on a stick.
Teeny Tiny Tussie Mussie The finest of flowers, so colorful and small. No words are needed, for the flowers say it all.
Corndog Plushie SpiP #121 - Your very own cute little IMDB! Poke gently for the best movie recommendations for every mood and genre. If you watch The Excorcist though, please cuddle the little Corndog tightly. Brings the BEST snacks and trivia.