Lucifer0008's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
17007 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Karaoke Machine Now every night can be Karaoke night! Mornings too! What are you singing first?
Retro Denim Robe Pockets! So many pockets! Durable and cool, with your number hand-stitched onto it.
Easy-Bake Oven Bake for the whole Sparlor, one muffin at a time!
Baby Still fresh, if you wanted to know the freshness of the baby.
How To Spiral 101 What is this place? What do the numbers mean? Help, I got flushed? Find weird answers for all your questions!
Frequent Flushing Miles ONLY FOR THE FLUSHED! Have you been flushed once? Buy one. Been flushed twice? Buy two, and so on.