Naoise007's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
18816 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Ruby Slippers With a click of your heels, you're teleported down to the Tower Gardens.
Sustainable Robe Stitched together from pre-owned pieces of fabrics gathered from flushed sacrifices.
Camouflage Boots Essential wear for any trekking, climbing, hiding, hunting and sacrificing Stowerling. Goes especially well with the Camp-robes.
Skeleton Key Ring Unlock any door or chest with ease using this magical key ring, which adapts its shape to fit any lock it encounters. Just don't ask where the keys came from originally...
Pocket-sized Port-a-Portal Parchment This magical parchment, paired with a crayon of your choice, allows adventurers to create temporary portals to different levels of the endless tower.
Fairy Dust Pop Rocks Makes you sparkle.
Goggles of Geekery Peer through these magical goggles to see the world in all its nerdy glory, spotting any- and everything from hidden Easter eggs in the landscape to secret references in ancient texts.
Stealth Dagger 3000 Be the stealthiest rogue at any sacrifice. Camouflages into anything you're wearing. Needs no cleaning.
Bag o' Tricks Full of nefarious goodies. Maybe it has something that will help you steal an item off of someone else.
Lewis The Parrot Might be an Old God. Enjoys shiny things, creamed corn and water balloons. Knows over 9000 words, all in ancient sumerian curses though - which is also how he has eternal life.
Lit Tower Phaser When there's something strange in your neighborhood... Perfect for stunning, shocking, lighting it up, and of course; groovy spiral raves.
Cosmic Spiral Rucksack Sturdy and dagger-proof! Changes color depending on your mood. Pockets and holders for your daggers, robe, even your swiss hot chocolate! Hidden compartment containing a black hole, for.. reasons.
Spiral Tower Biscuit Tin Filled with ginger crush creams, viennese, ballerina cookies, wagon wheels, dog treats, assorted buttons, business cards and that weird tomato with pins stuck in it. Blame Grandma.
A Stiff Drink Damn, this is what I needed after the week I had.