Nighteyes09's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
37668 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Kiro Plushie SpiP #069 - It me, Kiro! Comes with a tiny dictionary & pencil. Says Howdy when asked...but in unknown languages.
Safari Scott Plushie SpiP #013 - Equipped with full safari-gear and all kinds of wild tales of epic adventures!
Bitey Plushie SpiP #198 - Hug him tight and he calls you a motherfucker! Has a shiny crown with #fuckasherjade on it.
Child-made Lemonade Has whole chunks of lemon. How it was made was questionable.
Electric Robe Shockingly blue and shines like lightning. Sparks randomly and emits a low electrical hum as you move.
Stealth Dagger 3000 Be the stealthiest rogue at any sacrifice. Camouflages into anything you're wearing. Needs no cleaning.
Spartan Monkey Plushie SpiP #003 - A wise little monkey with a crown of bananas and a tinkering kit. Boop his nose and he'll shout THIS. IS. SPIRAL!!!
Hope When you need it, you have it. When you see someone in need of it, give it.
Jellybeans of Joy A humongous bag of colorful little jellybeans, that may or may not be laced with something.. Try one! You'll be ecstatic!
Stower Speedos Funky, slick and hotter than the basement furnace. Perfect for slip-n-sliding down some flushy pipes and basking at the pool. All eyes on you!