Poolturtle5772's Inventory (unsafe)

Item Description
7001.5 o The currency used in SPONGE.
The Moon Always reflecting, never casting its own light.
Saturn The rings weren't always there. Who put them there?
Neptune How come we get 1 moon when Neptune gets 14?
Shellraiser He's a friendly pinhead, helping turtles get to where they wanna go.
Wireless Turtle It's really nice to be able to take it anywhere and not worry about having to plug it in.
Dysfunctional Pen It only draws spirals
Pluto Did you know this celestial body was named by an 11 year old girl in England?
Mercury Named for the arbiter of the gods.
Universal Charger Uh oh, someone forgot to plug existence back in.
Sotik VII A planet teeming with life. 7th time's the charm, they say..
YEETmas SPONGEcake So squishy! You chew and chew and chew and...it's still there! Chew harder!
Train Set The most whimsical miniature train set ever made, with Spiraling tracks! Choo, choo! Batteries not included.
SR388 A planet ravaged by interstellar war. Don't worry: you're getting a version of it before it's destruction.
Mars Formerly the planet of war, now a squishy paradise for turtles.
The North Star Never lose your way again.
Teal The color teal. Very pretty.
Venus The planet or the goddess? Yes.
Teal Silk Robe Shiniest Spiralian silk, golden trim, a wonderfully large hood, embroidered with your number.
Protection Charm Keeps you safe, but breaks after one use.
Bag o' Tricks Full of nefarious goodies. Maybe it has something that will help you steal an item off of someone else.
Purple Turtle A rare new species! Discovered in the moat of the Tower. Friendly and hungry. Likes daisies.
Augi Prime The surface is choked by vegetation. The ground hidden beneath a sea of leaves and stems. It seems like a plant has become the dominant species on the planet.
Mila's Comet Uwaaa! A shooting star! Did it just... woof?
Nintendo 3DS In glorious 3D!
Old Feller Plushie SpiP #004 - He's not what he seems.. Pat him and he gives you an exciting fact, but only once a day.
River Styx Passage When it's time to pay Charon, you'll be set to cross the River Styx.
Assfuck Plushie SpiP #269 - He's dressed exactly as you'd expect. Randomly asks if you have a Pornhub account. He's adorable, though.
EternalX Plushie SpiP #299 - A tealy pigmomma of pure sunshine. Tells you cute things about Claire when squeezed!
Biz Plushie SpiP #199 - A clever little plush with pockets full of fortunes! If you're lucky, he might help you solve mysteries.
The One Ring One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Tower bind them.
Kyonlion Plushie SpiP #099 - Rawr! Fluffy as a lion! Has a shirt with lucky 7's all over it and comes with a cute little Kyoncub!
Nylock Plushie SpiP #002 - Randomly loses and grows appendages. Won't shut up about being banned twice. Comes with tiny boat and earplugs.
Bibble Plushie SpiP #001 - The bestest & bibbliest Skit is now your BFF! He's got pockets full of shiny pebbles, and he'll grant you 29 o a day for being so awesome.
1 Star Dragon Ball They say if you collect all 7, you are granted one wish.
Orange Juice Planet It's an entire planet made of... 100% orange juice? I'm guessing it used to be a giant orange.
Personal Sun Get more even tan-lines. Watch out for heat stroke.
Revesvans Plushie x2 SpiP #202 - Handsomely clad in his traditional norwegian Bunad! Writes wickedly awesome fantasy novels for you, signed copies, of course.
Tortopia A planet full of turtles. They've made great strides in the fields of science and swimming.
Tamagotchi Planet It's 5 galaxies away from Earth. Look it up!
Bucket List An epic list of different types of buckets.
55 Cancri-E Also known as Hell Planet, this celestial body covered in fiery oceans of lava has been sending out mysterious signals for decades..
Lucifer Plushie SpiP #666 - Our tiny overlord in all his glory! Pitchfork, hellfire and evil plans included. Only available on Halloween.
Commemorative Pumpkin I celebrated Halloween in the Tower 2023! BOO!
Commemorative Eggplant 'Member when the Tower flooded with eggplants? I 'member.
Floor Pancake In all of history, not once has a single ceiling pancake dropped to the floor. This one did. The flavor is unmatched.
A Solar Melange An array of delicacies from all over the Tower, blessed and enhanced by spiraly solar forces
Shiny Spiral Ornament I celebrated christmas 2023 in the Tower! Just don't tell anyone what I did at the Christmas party..
Spiral Speech Decoder Decodes and scrambles Spiral-related speech. Good for inter-tower secret messaging, or for figuring out what the hell everyone's talking about.
Chocolate Kiro Valentines Day is coming! And what could be cuter and sweeter than a little chocolate Kiro! Made from organic Spiral Chocolate!
Assassin's Blade Will definitely get the job done. Quick as a shadow, light as a feather, cool as a cucumber. Swoosh!
Snakes' Eternal Drink A magically perpetual drink of ever-changing delicious flavor. Never go thirsty again with this snakey concoction.
Nuclear HAZMAT Suit Extremely resistant to radiation. Not at all resistant to stabbing.
Spartan Monkey Plushie SpiP #003 - A wise little monkey with a crown of bananas and a tinkering kit. Boop his nose and he'll shout THIS. IS. SPIRAL!!!
Retro Spiral Games Includes the classics: Super Spiral Bros II, Commander Scott, Crash Bibblycoot, Nylock Speed Racing and Kiro Kart
Conspiracy Theories Why are there 2 Scotts? Why is it called the fl-USHER? What does DTI REALLY stand for?! Tinfoil hat included.
Dominating Obelisk It's.. It's.. Something, alright. Big and formidable, that's for sure.
Azure Dagger Glistens like lightning and glows when it rains. Forged from the finest blue Spiralian Steel.
Everlasting Inkwell and Quill This enchanted inkwell never runs out of ink, making it the perfect tool for mapping out the ever-changing labyrinth of the endless tower.
Portable Garage What will you use it for? Cars, coolers, or a cabbage store? Folds up into the size of an orange!
One Ring to Rule the Remote This enchanted ring grants the wearer dominion over all television remotes, ensuring they never have to argue over what to watch again. Just be careful not to get too attached to it – power corrupts, after all.
The Wire Portals Careful! Teleports you anywhere your heart desires, allowing easy access throughout the Tower, but.. Instead of the usual pain-free disintegration, you get sliced to pieces by wires and reassembled. Ouch..unless you're into that.
LV-426 An air of darkness surrounds this shadowy and rough planet. Strong howling winds, sharp black terrain, and the feeling that something is not RIGHT. Sigourney Weaver not included.
Lore Whip Taters The bestest organic tower-taters, lovingly grown, having passed of old age and filled with wisdom - this whip is steeped in delicious Stower lore.
Gemini A far off planet inhabited by people ruining the universe.