Psychomaniac14's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
30322 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Muscle Suit So strong. Very fierce. Kick ass and YEET names
Bag o' Tricks Full of nefarious goodies. Maybe it has something that will help you steal an item off of someone else.
Jar of Licorice (Empty) There is no more licorice. Only sadness remains.
Old Feller Plushie SpiP #004 - He's not what he seems.. Pat him and he gives you an exciting fact, but only once a day.
Hunky Bibbleskit Poster As requested by DTI!
Sexy Sinjury Poster Depicts sauce being poured over a bunch of tentacles on a bed of rice.
Sandals of Swift Strides and Stylish Stomps Whether you're running late or strutting your stuff on the catwalk, these have you covered! They change color depending on your mood.
Time Time is money.
Magicked Notebook When you look at a page, it transcribes the notes you want to take automatically. Sometimes it's a little eager, though, and will write down stuff you wanted to keep secret.