Ser_Optimus's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
44122 o The currency used in SPONGE.
A Daily Phone Call Your phone always goes off at the same time every day. Nobody ever says anything and you only ever here breathing. The company is nice sometimes though when you're feeling lonely.
A Heart Someone got it last christmas, but the very next day they gave it away!
Heavy Armor It's too heavy to wear but, since it's ancient, you're worried it'll crumble anyway.
Clingy Lovebug He sticks to you like glue and won't shut up about how much he loves peas and karaoke.
DTI Plushie SpiP #329 - Your very own little trustworthy DTI! Comes with a tiny plush mustard sandwich and banhammer.
Sacrificial Spiral Shank Simple. Sharp. Efficient. Oooh! It has Spirals too!
Parlor Tit Wheels No, you perv! These are the cutest tits in the Tower! Sultan tits, sombre tits and great tits! You're like a Disney princess with these little tits swirling around you in a wheel formation, chirping happily.