as_it_was_written's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
11089 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Spiral Cloak of Confusion Confused? Wanting to confuse further? This is the cloak for masters of kung-fusion and conning cultusion. What? Ah, working as intended.
Fairy Dust Pop Rocks Makes you sparkle.
Octarine Lollipop Each eight lick tastes like a different kind of chaos.
Spiral Rug Cutters Suede soles, beautiful wallflower-pattern, 1 inch heels, indestructible toes for dancing with beginners or kicking pipes, and ventilation to avert foot stench for up to 8h.
Mylvee Plushie SpiP #104 - hungry. bites you. prions are scary. dinat dinat do. death by glamour. milk. two planets approach the roche limit. bal man. walk don't run. battle for dream island. we are eternal. eepy.
Feels I feel you. I felt that. You feel me? All the feels.