halonoob117's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
2421 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Gold Ring Simple and plain. Perfect for mortals.
Platinum Ring Beautiful and jewel encrusted for lovers of leaf and grace.
Spiral Ring The most beautiful Spiralian silver with mustard crystals. Has calming, healing, delicious and cozy properties.
Ring of Power This will make you like, totally empowered! Like eternal life and shit! Trust me bro, you'll be so badass!
Super Bowl Ring What do you mean false advertising? It's a really super bowl-ring! Fits a teaspoon of rice or cereal easy!
Tower Rations x3 A tin of essentials; clump of fresh meat, 1 x celery cake, 1 x spiral baguette, box of "raisins", 1 x sippy-cup of sacrificial juice.
Child-made Lemonade Has whole chunks of lemon. How it was made was questionable.
Conspiracy Theories Why are there 2 Scotts? Why is it called the fl-USHER? What does DTI REALLY stand for?! Tinfoil hat included.
Moonlight Dagger Elegant form, decorated with opal gemstones. Gets an eerie glow at full moon...
Azure Dagger Glistens like lightning and glows when it rains. Forged from the finest blue Spiralian Steel.
Diamond Dagger Sacrifice in style. Always razor sharp. Embedded with Spiralian Diamonds that glow as the blood flows.