jazzjunkie84's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
12940 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Sustainable Robe Stitched together from pre-owned pieces of fabrics gathered from flushed sacrifices.
Gryphon's Gourmet Grub These gourmet rations are fit for a king – or at least a gryphon. It’s seeds. Just seeds, but the name makes you want them more, right? Right?
Floor Floosher 4000 Syrup on your ceiling? Pesky slices of pizza on the floor? Not anymore! Your personal Floor Floosher can clean your floor in under 94 hours!
Corndog Plushie SpiP #121 - Your very own cute little IMDB! Poke gently for the best movie recommendations for every mood and genre. If you watch The Excorcist though, please cuddle the little Corndog tightly. Brings the BEST snacks and trivia.