kirosayshowdy's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
33781 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Inflatable Pool Turtle Splash around with the coolest pool toy in the Sparlor! Springs to life if you talk about space.
Kiro Plushie SpiP #069 - It me, Kiro! Comes with a tiny dictionary & pencil. Says Howdy when asked...but in unknown languages.
DTI Plushie SpiP #329 - Your very own little trustworthy DTI! Comes with a tiny plush mustard sandwich and banhammer.
Sonic Plushie SpiP #145 - Has a pancake on his head. If you remove his pancake he'll scream AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!
Bitey Plushie SpiP #198 - Hug him tight and he calls you a motherfucker! Has a shiny crown with #fuckasherjade on it.
Rude Sarcastic Plushie SpiP #111 - Don't worry, he's actually super sweet. Carries a suspicious box of spiders with him.
Nylock Plushie SpiP #002 - Randomly loses and grows appendages. Won't shut up about being banned twice. Comes with tiny boat and earplugs.
Snakes Plushie SpiP #055 - Got snakes? The coolest bartender ever! Comes with sooo many snakes, but she still needs MORE! MORE!!
Bibble Plushie SpiP #001 - The bestest & bibbliest Skit is now your BFF! He's got pockets full of shiny pebbles, and he'll grant you 29 o a day for being so awesome.
Hunky DTI Poster x2 Adorn your floor with this rare and smoldering vintage poster of the Master of the Tower. Droolcup not included.
BFF Bracelet You're my best friend forever!
Droolcup Limited-time accessory! Hunky DTI poster not included.
Old Feller Plushie SpiP #004 - He's not what he seems.. Pat him and he gives you an exciting fact, but only once a day.
Bag o' Tricks Full of nefarious goodies. Maybe it has something that will help you steal an item off of someone else.
Hunky Bibbleskit Poster As requested by DTI!
Sexy Sinjury Poster Depicts sauce being poured over a bunch of tentacles on a bed of rice.
Fuzzy Maal Wall Rug Garish and captivating, extra fuzzy, massively muscly and decorated with sparkly beads. Hand-woven by skilled tentacles. Also doubles as a warm quilt.
Bibble Tea Smooth, aromatic and makes you strangely giddy! Almost like bubble tea, only bibblier!
Apollinas Candy Apples The plumpest apples from the Tower gardens, with the sweetest coating of sugar and love. Mmm!
UnU Plushie SpiP #012 - Fluffy, cute and fierce! As the king, she comes equipped with a tiny crown, customized art and a tiny alien companion.
Cool Mike Plushie SpiP #5000 - He's Mike, he's the coolest! Pockets full of teeny rocks & minerals, comes with a tiny rock collecting kit and amazing facts. He ROCKS!
Book of Kiro Full of wisdom, questionable doodles and linguistic goodness. You may not understand it all, but damn it's cute!
Spartan Monkey Plushie SpiP #003 - A wise little monkey with a crown of bananas and a tinkering kit. Boop his nose and he'll shout THIS. IS. SPIRAL!!!
Assfuck's Ginger Beer After some trial and error, efforts were successful! ..and there may be a finger somewhere in there. Enjoy!
Mulberry Plushie SpiP #093 - Are you sure you can handle this plushie? It might make you...blushie. Comes with blindfold, whips and beautiful melodies.
Fancy Spiral Bouquet A stunning bouquet of gorgeous roses from the Tower gardens, colorful Spiral hydrangeas and scented hyacinths.
Mylvee Plushie SpiP #104 - hungry. bites you. prions are scary. dinat dinat do. death by glamour. milk. two planets approach the roche limit. bal man. walk don't run. battle for dream island. we are eternal. eepy.
ReactsWithWords Plushie SpiP #058 - YES, he reacts to your words! No pre-recorded jargon! Comes with a MASSIVE stack of teeny tiny maps & floor plans and a cool tour guide hat. You'll never be lost if you have him along. Also functions as a brilliant little jukebox.
Teeny Tiny Tussie Mussie The finest of flowers, so colorful and small. No words are needed, for the flowers say it all.
Nylockian Phalluses Almost as beautiful as the Fabulous Bouquet (not really).
Free Hugs x2 Sometimes a good hug is very important. And so are you, friend.
Emotional Support There for you, friend.
Feels I feel you. I felt that. You feel me? All the feels.
hampter hampter
Cancri A planet that is 30% diamond. Wew. Makes em feel kinda worthless, huh?