mannycat2's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
17608 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Commemorative Eggplant 'Member when the Tower flooded with eggplants? I 'member.
Party Robe Colorful, charming and utterly cool. Tailored to your perfect measurements, unbelievably flattering and dapper! Get your groove on at any party or sacrifice.
Fairy Dust Pop Rocks Makes you sparkle.
Octarine Lollipop Each eight lick tastes like a different kind of chaos.
Fancy Spiral Bouquet A stunning bouquet of gorgeous roses from the Tower gardens, colorful Spiral hydrangeas and scented hyacinths.
Towering Lollipop Boasting a whopping 164cm (3 bald eagles and a coconut), the towering lollipop swirls towards the sky in a colorful spiral, with 58 different flavors and textures!
Sunday Sundae A declicious assortment of your favorite ice cream flavors, magically topped with your favorite toppings, if any. There's a special 'Tower' flavor, if you're so bold to try.