1977 o |
The currency used in SPONGE. |
Commemorative Eggplant |
'Member when the Tower flooded with eggplants? I 'member. |
Aubergine Robe |
A plush purple color with a distinctive scent to it. Slight water-damage but hey, it's vintage, and it's fabulous! |
Bubble Robe |
How...how does it even stay together? The bubbles won't break. It's mesmerizing. |
Sexy Sinjury Poster |
Depicts sauce being poured over a bunch of tentacles on a bed of rice. |
Floor Floosher 4000 |
Syrup on your ceiling? Pesky slices of pizza on the floor? Not anymore! Your personal Floor Floosher can clean your floor in under 94 hours! |
Spiral Gang Membership |
You're in it now. Includes instructions to secret booty shake and how to make the perfect mustard sandwich. |
Tooting Jetpack |
Useful for traversing up floors quickly. Makes a distinct tooting sound and poofs out a cloud of blue smoke now and then. Pretty sure it works.. |
Latex Robe |
High collar, shiny, squeaky and sleek. Attend all sacrifices like sex on a stick. |
Fairy Dust Pop Rocks |
Makes you sparkle. |
Jumanji |
In the distance, you hear a faint drumming. Ominous, but tempting. Do you dare roll the dice? And who will you invite to play? |