mkalte666's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
1847 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Commemorative Eggplant 'Member when the Tower flooded with eggplants? I 'member.
Aubergine Robe A plush purple color with a distinctive scent to it. Slight water-damage but hey, it's vintage, and it's fabulous!
Bubble Robe does it even stay together? The bubbles won't break. It's mesmerizing.
Sexy Sinjury Poster Depicts sauce being poured over a bunch of tentacles on a bed of rice.
Floor Floosher 4000 Syrup on your ceiling? Pesky slices of pizza on the floor? Not anymore! Your personal Floor Floosher can clean your floor in under 94 hours!
Spiral Gang Membership You're in it now. Includes instructions to secret booty shake and how to make the perfect mustard sandwich.
Tooting Jetpack Useful for traversing up floors quickly. Makes a distinct tooting sound and poofs out a cloud of blue smoke now and then. Pretty sure it works..
Latex Robe High collar, shiny, squeaky and sleek. Attend all sacrifices like sex on a stick.
Fairy Dust Pop Rocks Makes you sparkle.