throwaway1930488888's Inventory (safe)

Item Description
34523 o The currency used in SPONGE.
Sparkling Dagger Blindingly bedazzled to distract and mesmerize your sacrifices, or just to add a little bling for a fancy night out.
Floor Floosher 4000 Syrup on your ceiling? Pesky slices of pizza on the floor? Not anymore! Your personal Floor Floosher can clean your floor in under 94 hours!
The One Token Celebrated the One year anniversary of the Tower, took part in the sacrificial blood ritual and had some pie.
Ultimate Spiral Goggles Dope as hell. Equipped with X-Ray vision, treasure detection, fresh meat scanners, party mode and night vision.
Child-made Lemonade Has whole chunks of lemon. How it was made was questionable.
Emotional Support There for you, friend.